
Mattea Angel Backus. What is her occupation?

Mattea Angel Backus is the baby of Mira Sorvino and Christopher Backus. Angel was born on 3 3 December 2004. So do you know Mattea? This article will tell readers more details about Mattea Angel.

How is Mattea doing now, besides schooling?

Being a parent’s role model can be the best joy in the event of career achievement. This is the same for Mattea and she is working in the field of acting like her parents.

Personal details of Mattea Angel Backus

Name: Mattea Angel Backus

Age:17 years old

Birth date: 3 rd November 2004


Occupation: Actress

Parent:Mira Sorvino, Christopher Backus

Brothers: Holden Paul Terry Backus and the Johnny Christopher King Backus

Sister: Lucia Backus

Great-grandparentsPaul Sorvino Lorraine Davis, Terryl Backus, Terry Backus

Great-grandparents: Ford Sorvino, Marrieta Sorvino

Grand-uncles: Ronald Sorvino, Bill Sorvino

Uncles: Michael Sorvino

Aunt: Amanda Sorvino, Michele Backus

Grandmother-in-law: Vannesa Sorvino, Dee Bunkie

What year Was Mattea Backus Angel born?

The 3rd of November, 2004 was the day that Angel was born into the world. This day brought joy for the couple as it was their first time being parents. My dear friends the happiness of having a child is something else. The young lady is 17 years old.

Background in education

As a teenager, We hope that she will have a high-school education at present. We do not have information on the location she’s attending at the moment, but we’ll get back to share information once we receive an update.

The wedding of Mattea Backus’s parents

At a gathering at Charades, the month of August 2003 was the time that Mira Sorvino and Christopher Backus were introduced to each other. The fate of their meeting was destiny as well as destiny.

The couple first got married in a civil ceremony that was private that took place on the 11th of June, 2004 at the Santa Barbara, California, courthouse. A celebration at Capri, Italy followed the wedding ceremony.

What is the story of Mattea the grandfather of Angel Backus?

Did you know that Paul Sorvino was once accused of possessing a gun at least once in his own life? It happened because his daughter Amanda Sorvino was held captive by her ex-boyfriend. The man threatened her with death which caused lots of chaos.

The father arrived on the scene earlier than the police arrived, and used the gun to demand the man to surrender. The investigation ended and the couple ended their relationship.

Who are Mattea’s Backus’s children?

Being the firstborn within the clan, Mattea is the youngest of two brothers: Holden Paul Terry Backus, born on June 22, 2009, as well as Johnny Christopher King Backus, born on May 29, 2006.

A lastborn sibling is the youngest in the family and is accompanied by Lucia Backus, born on May 3 in 2012.

The net value of Mattea Angel Backus

She’s in the early stages of her acting career, so not making much money at present however her parent’s net worth is around $15 million for the mother and $5m for her father.

Did you not know it was the case that Mattea Angel Backus was on an arena with her mom?

Angel was on stage together with her mom Mira Sorvino, during her debut performance in the Union Square film.

Mira was delighted to see her daughter take her first steps.


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